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golf training

Friday, February 19, 2010

Come off your perch

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An Ap sophisticated columnist Tim Dahlberg expressed his opinions on Tiger Woods's speech hosted on Friday:Tiger Woods,stop to thinking about the King place again.You had better get a clear understanding of the situation.You are not the king any more.You have pulled wool over the people's eyes.But they will not hoodwinked by you again.Tim Dahlberg's article tittled Tiger doesn't understand he's not in charge wrote as follow:

Who do you think you are?Tiger Woods?Yes, perhaps.It means the treatment of sexual addictions holded something for him.But he does not realize that golf has been changed a lot and he is not the king.

The messages mentioned above maybe have not passed to Tiger Woods from his camp but it won't make we be astonished.From his public image role, we can see that the traffic accident in Florida on the Thanksgiving day has not changed anything.It's clear to us that his camp is trying to form a new image after spending million dollars to form a image.

Tiger Woods's media credential was live on all the us's television channels last Friday.Tiger Woods lie us again in the a choice room.It is nature that so many poeple paid attention to it.We all wanted to see why their confidence in Tiger Woods had fallen off remarkably.As we known,he used to be the most famous golfer in the world a few months ago.

Ping G10 Driver